Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hot Sauce

This year I decided to try planting a garden. I don't know why I thought I could keep anything alive, since my record with anything green is 0 and about 250. Sure enough, most of what I planted didn't survive. Coincidentally, my tomatoes all decided to get flower end rot until I completely gave up and stopped caring for them at all. Then, when I went to rip them out of the ground a few weeks later, I had a huge bagful of good tomatoes on the vine. I guess the secret for me is to stop caring for my plants completely. 

Anyway, I found that the one plant that flourished under my care was a serrano chili plant. Great! I hate spicy food! What am I supposed to do with all those chilis?!?!?!?! I decided (since I am a selfless and loving wife) to make hot sauce for my husband who loves spicy food, but never gets it made for him. Since I had done some pickle canning this summer, I thought that it should be a pretty simple and similar process. So I tried it, and it turned out to be (quoting my husband) "the best thing you have made with that machine yet". (By machine he meant food processor.)

It is not too spicy, a little bit sweet, and has a ton of flavor. 
Who would have thought that such a simple process would turn out such a spectacular sauce.

Here is the process.
wash chilis, then trim the stem and end
chop them in a food processor

then I packed the chilis in jars, added a pinch of salt,
and then filled  them with vinegar that I brought to a boil first
then I processes the jars in a canner for 10 minutes
I am sure that this whole thing could be done with any type of pepper or chili and would turn out great. 
Now, I just have to watch and see what all my husband will think to put this on!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new hot sauce. I've already tried it on chips, rolled tacos and chicken sub sandwich.I think she should patent it and sell it in stores. It's really good.
